Why Choose
Be Free From It

T he journey of Be Free From It is the first premier meditative sound therapy in Albania is set to arrive on March 14, 2020, helping to find you balance in your busy life and old patterns. Using non-invasive vibrational sound frequency from different instruments to harmonically promote balance within the mind, body & heart. The peaceful environment is a sanctuary, a place for all ages. I invite you to come and see what it feels like to be bathed in Be Free From It frequencies of Love and Light and experience the perfect heart-mind-body harmony!

My quest for inner peace began at a very young age. All I wanted was to see humans happy throughout my life’s journey and have discovered that “HAPPINESS” is always an inside job that everyone should do, so I started to work with myself and other people around me in order to grow and evolve the collective consciousness, helping to make this dream come true. It is never what is happening around you that cause stress, but how you choose to handle it. So how do we handle it? I truly believe that this journey is the solution we’ve all been looking for, the goal is to guide each other to find that inner magic into everyone’s heart-mind-body.
A transformational healing experience that will shift you into a relaxed state of being, awaken your true essence and rejuvenate you~mind, body and spirit.

Sound Healing Q&A

1When is Sound Healing beneficial?
Do you feel stuck? Do you want to move forward, or shift old patterns that keep repeating in your life, if you want to shift pain, or if you want to shift your perception of feeling lost or disconnected.
2Why is sound healing beneficial?
In theta, our brainwave frequencies range from 4 to 7 Hz. These frequencies allow our body to completely relax, letting our physical being, spirituality, and emotional and mental selves repair.
3How is sound healing different to music?
Quantum physics teaches that anything that vibrates produces a frequency or tone. Music is the organization of specific frequencies arranged in a particular order to create rhythm and harmony. Sound is vibration, including and going beyond what can be heard by the ear. Sound healing focuses on vibration rather melody.
4How can sound heal?
Existing research confirms sound healing synchronizes brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies.
5What is the connection between sound healing and meditation?
Meditation is the art of bringing awareness and consciousness into our daily lives. Through meditation, we become an observer of ourselves and of our center, a place without judgment or negativity. Through sound healing, we artificially put our body in into a Theta state, our brainwaves between 4 and 7 Hz – something that normally occurs in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep or deep, prolonged meditation – allowing access to our subconscious and super-conscious. This is the state in which energy shifts and insights and healing are possible.
6How many sessions do I need to come to in order to see results?
Energetic shifts can happen immediately during a session or may take several days to develop. Multiple and continuous sessions can be beneficial for creating and maintaining radical energetic shifts.